Huo Rf

Huo Rf (born 1988) is an Istanbul-based Turkish artist and freelance writer. After finishing his studies in Mersin Nevit Kodalli Fine Arts High School in 2006, Huo Rf studied painting in the Fine Arts Faculty at Balikesir University between 2006 and 2010. One of the co-founders of an Istanbul-based artist collective called Signs of Time. Rf currently works with art magazines such as Sanat Dünyamız, Art Unlimited.

في معرض البحث عن جيران

"على المستوى المحلي، بعث معرض "جار حسن" الأمل في المشهد الفني الذي تتلبد من فوقه غيوم سوداء". Hou Rf يراجع بينالي اسطنبول الذي نظمه الفنانان إلمجرين ودراجسيت.