
The World is Alright: an Interview with the Moroccan Artist Youssef Wahboun

In this interview, the artist Youssef Wahboun reveals the secret of his despairing view of the world: love of humanity, independent of identity - ideological, ethnic, or racial. Anything that happens, even in the remotest place, irritates and pains him, and yet he insists on dreaming that the future of humanity will be better. In his exhibition at The French Institute in Rabat, this belief is evident in the butterflies that pervade his works as a chromatic echo conferring glamor upon a dark reality.

Klipot Nogah #1

A new podcast from Tohu (in Hebrew). Listen to Eitan Ben Moshe conversing in each installment with a different interesting personality on matters spiritual and cultural.

“Life is a reflection of a very unruly creator” - in the first installment’ Eitan ben Moshe talks with Shai Tubali - writer, thinker, spiritual teacher, lecturer, and director. His teachings and his books combine popular psychology with Eastern and Western philosophies. Since 2012 he has been living and teaching in Berlin, where he founded a learning and treatment center dedicated to his methods.